首页 - 留学工大 - 导师信息 - Master Supervisor - School of Information Science and Engineering - Li Zhanying

Resume of Li Zhanying

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07


Li Zhanying, Master Student Supervisor, received B. S. and Sc. D. in Harbin  Engineering University in 2003 and 2012.

(1)  The main research direction: Intelligent Control

(2)  The subject: Controlling Science & Engineering

(3)  The main research projects:

(4) School-enterprise Cooperation Project: Car networking platform

(5) The academic papers:

1)The Technology of Suppressing Harmonics with Complex Neural Network Is Applied to Microgrid,The 2nd International Symposium on Application of Materials Science and Energy Materials。2017.12.29(EI)

2)Prediction of Ship Roll Motion Based on Combination of Phase Space Reconstruction Theory and Elman Network,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation Ningbo, China, August 2016,pp686-689(EI)

3)Prediction of Ship Roll Motion based on Optimized Chaotic Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks,International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering,2015.10,pp231-241(EI)

4)Ship roll combination prediction based on single model screening,Control and Decision,Vol.29  No.7,Jul. 2014,pp1306-1310(EI)

5)ship roll motion forecasting using echo state networks,J.Huazhong Univ.of Sci.&Tech.Natural Science Edition,vol.41 No.6,Jun,2013,pp99-102(EI)
