首页 - 留学工大 - 导师信息 - Master Supervisor - School of Information Science and Engineering - Zhang Haichuan

Resume of Zhang Haichuan

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07

Zhang Haichuan, Master Student Supervisor, received B. S. and Sc. D. in Dalian University of technology in 2004 and 2010.

(1)  The main research direction: Intelligent Control;  Electromechanical Integration.

(2)  The subject: Controlling Science & Engineering

(3)  The main research projects:

1)      National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on limited asynchronous breaking and dynamic dielectric recovery compensation on multi-breaker vacuum circuit breakers.

2)      Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(sub-project): Investigations on HVDC short-circuit breaking related theory based on intelligent model technology.

3)      Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China:Research on Limited Asynchronous Breaking of Multi-breaker Vacuum Circuit Breakers.

4)      Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning Provincial Education Department: The optimization and control for ozone production process with DBD based on advanced control technology.

5)      The project of Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Department: The design of Vacuum on-load tap-changer.

6)      School-enterprise Cooperation Project: The design of permanent magnetic actuator.

(4) The academic papers:

1)    Haichuan Zhang, Yue Li and Zhaojin Liu. Research on the Input Power Measurement and Control Technology for Ozone Production Process with DBD, International Journal of Control and Automation, 201629):287-296. (EI)

2)    H.C. Zhang, Z.J. Liu and Y. Li. The Optimal Control of Ozone Production Process. Materials Research Innovations, 201519185-189. (EI)

3)    Huan Wang and Haichuan Zhang. A Hybrid Method of Vehicle Detection based on Computer Vision for Intelligent Transportation System. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 201469:105-117. (EI)

4)    Haichuan Zhang, Zhaojin Liu and Yue Li. The power measurement of DBD ozone reactor based on the Quasi-synchronous algorithm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014456640-643. (EI)

5)    Haichuan Zhang, Huan Wang and Yue Li. Design of the Monitoring and Control System for Ozone Production Based on ZigBee Technology. Advanced Materials and Research, 2013823473-478. (EI)

Haichuan Zhang, Yue Li and Zhaojin Liu. Design of the Synchronization Control System for Modularized Vacuum Circuit-breakers With Multi-breaks. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 2015100369-375.

