首页 - 留学工大 - 导师信息 - Master Supervisor - School of Information Science and Engineering - Zhou Ailing

Resume of Zhou Ailing

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07

Ailing Zou

Lecturer, PhD

Research Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University

Address: State Key Research Institute of Photonics,

        School of Information Science & Engineering,

        Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034, CHINA

 Tel: 86-411- 86323261

 E-mail: zouailing@dlpu.edu.cn


Research interests

Development of novel phosphors for white light LED;

Synthesis and applications of nanoparticles for solid state lighting and gas sensor fields



PhD., Physical Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China



Work Experiences:

2007.7-  Research Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University, China



[1] A. L. Zou, Y. Qiu, J. J. Yu, et al. Ethanol sensing with Au-modified ZnO microwires[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016,227:65-72.

[2] A. L. Zou, L. Z. Hu, Y. Qiu, et al. High performance of 1-D ZnO microwire with curve-side hexagon as ethanol gas sensor [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2015,26:4908-4912.

[3] A. L. Zou, Y. Wang, Y. M. Luo, et al. Effects of homo-buffer layer and annealing treatment on optical property of ZnO thin film [C]. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Communications Technology and Applications, 2011,1009-1011.
