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Resume of Haiming Li

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07

Resume of Haiming Li

Haiming LiPhD, Engineer, Professor

School of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering,

Qinggongyuan 1#, Songjiang Road, Ganjingzi District,
Dalian City, Liaoning Province,
China 116034              

Tel: +86-15998597611

Email: charley1114@163.com





Research activities mainly focused on bio-refinery related to utilization of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, and pulp and papermaking engineering.


1.        Host Research on Substances Transfer and their Mechanism during Eucalyptus Circulation-enhanced Autohydrolysis Project which is funded by National Science Foundation of China.

2.        Host Added-value Utilization of Corn Stalk to Prepare Nano Crystalline Cellulose Project which was funded by Liaoning Provincial Education Bureu.

3.        Host Value-added Utilization of Slime to Prepare PCC which is funded by pulp and papermaking company.

4.        Host Research on Mechanism of Eucalyptus Prehydrolysis which was funded by National Key Lab of Pulp and Papermaking Engineering.

5.        Participated in Project of Advanced Wood and Fibre Characterization and its Impact on TMP Pulping and Pulp Quality which was funded by Collaborative Research and Development Grant, with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Litd, PAPRICAN, as a post doctoral fellow under supervising of Dr. Yonghao Ni.

6.        Participated in Project of Utilization of Hemicellulose from the Pre-hydrolysis Liquor of the Kraft Based Dissolving Pulp Production Process which was funded by Collaborative Research and Development Grant, with FPInnovations, AV Nackwawic Inc., as a post doctoral fellow under supervising of Dr. Yonghao Ni.

7.        Participated in Project of Preparation of Biomass-based Recyclable Environmentally Friendly Chemical Agents and their application in Waster Paper Recycle which was one of Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program.

8.        Participated in Project of Research on Migration in Fiber Microcell and Surface Adsorption Behavior of Poplar Auto-catalyzed Ethanol Pulping Lignin   which was funded by National Science Foundation of China.

9.        Participated in Project of Research on Preparation of Rayon Grade Pulp by Reed which was funded by a pulp and papermaking company.

10.  Participated in research on Decolorization of Effluent from Eucalyptus CTMP which was funded by Bureau of Science and Technology of Guangzhou Municipality.




    April, 2011 – present, Professor/Associate Professor, School of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning, China.


August, 2007 – August, 2010, PDF (post doctoral fellowship) under supervising of Dr. Yonghao Ni in Limerick Pulp and Paper Research Center, Chemical Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick, Canada.


August, 1998 – June, 2001, Goldeast (Jiangsu) Paper Company Lit., Asia Pulp & Paper Company Ltd., China. Employed as shift leader from 1998 to 2000, as a technician in 2001.




Issued as first author or corresponding author

1.       Huan Liu, Bo Pang, Jinghui Zhou, Ying Han, Jie Lu, Haiming Li, Haisong Wang. Comparative study of pretreated corn stover for sugar production using cotton pulping black liquor (CPBL) instead of sodium hydroxide. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 84: 97-103(SCI)

2.       Mingshuai Ma, Ran Liu, Yanzhu Guo, Haiming Li, Jinghui Zhou, Haisong Wang, Jie Lu, and Shijie Zhang. Research on the dissolution of pentosans during Eucalyptus hydrolysate pretreatmen. Bioresources, in press. (SCI)

3.       Xing Wang, Yanzhu Guo, Haiming Li, and Jinghui Zhou. Supercritical carbon dioxided assisted auto-catalyzed ethanol-based organosolv pulping of poplar wood. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, in press. (SCI)

4.       An Wang, Jiajie Bi, and Haiming Li. Research on variations of cellulose and hemicellulose in acid catalytic prehydrolysis of corn stalk. China Pulp & Paper, 2016, 35(4): 6-11

5.       Jiajie Bi, Haiming Li, Huaize Guo, and Jinlong Cui. Effect of tannin on Eucalyptus prehydrolysis. Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University, 2015, 34(6): 426-429

6.       Jinlong Cui, Huaize Guo, Haiming Li et al. Ion Chromatography analysis of organic acids in Eucalyptus hot water prehydolysis. China Pulp & Paper, 2014, 33(5): 20-23

7.       Hai Ming Li, Xiao Hong Chen, Jing Hui Zhou, Ying Han, and Guang Wei Sun. Etherifying modification of xylan-type hemicellulose and its characterization. Advanced Materials, Research, 2013: 1060-1064.

8.       Jinlong Cui, Haiming Li, and Jiajie Bi. Analysis of carbohydrates in paper-making materials by ion chromatography. Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University, 2013, 32(6): 432-436

9.       Li Haiming, Saeed Abrar, Jahan M. Sarwar, Ni Yonghao, Van Heiningen Adriann. Hemicellulose removal from hardwood chips in the pre-hydrolysis step of the kraft-based dissolving pulp production process. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2010, 30(1): 48-60 (SCI)

10.   H. Li, A. Saeed, S. Jahan, Y. Ni and A. van Heiningen. Formation of acetic acid from the Kraft-based dissolving pulp production process. Annual Meeting of the Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC), 96th Annual Meeting Preprints AM2010_3FEB_AM, p151-155, 2010, Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada

11.   Haiming Li, Abrar Saeed, Yonghao Ni and Adriaan van Heiningen. Hemicelluloses pre-hydrolysis of mixed hardwood chips with water. Annual Meeting of the Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC), 95th Annual Meeting Preprints Biorefinery , p261-265, 2009, Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada

12.   Li Haiming, He Beihai. A compact wet end system in paper machine. China Pulp & Paper Industry, 2006,26(11): 3842

13.   Li Haiming, He Beihai, Chen Yuancai et al. Characterization and decolorization of the effluent from Eucalyptus CTMP. He Beihai, Fu Shiyu, Chen Fangeng. Research progress in pulping and papermaking: 3rd ISETPP. Guangzhou, China: South China University Technology Press, 2006,10: 702~706 (ISTP)

14.   Li Haiming, He Beihai, Chen Yuancai et al. The chromaticity measurement methods used for wastewater from the pulp and paper industry. China Pulp & Paper, 2006, 25(7): 2327 (EI)

15.   Li Haiming, He Beihai, Chen Yuancai et al. Color characteristics and discoloring of the effluent from chemical pretreatment of Eucalyptus CTMP. China Pulp & Paper, 2006, 25(6): 2327 (EI)

16.   Li Haiming, He Beihai. Research progress of the effect of fines on paper properties. Transactions of China Pulp and Paper2006, 21(3): 101106 (EI)

17.   Li Haiming, He Beihai. The methods used in the research of pulp fines. Paper Science & Technology2006, 25(3): 24~26-37

18.   Li Haiming, Hu Huiren and Shi Shulan. The evaluation methods of deinking performance. Paper and Papermaking, 2004(6): 8890

19.   Li Haiming, Hu Huiren. Research on the process conditions of the deinking agent HL-1. China Pulp and Paper Industry, 2003, 24(12): 4548

20.   Li Haiming, Hu Huiren. Review of wastepaper deinking and the related issues. Heilongjiang Papermaking, 2003(4): 3031


Issued as co-author

1.       Yanzhu Guo, Li Zhang, Haiming Li, Ying Han, Jinghui Zhou, and Xiaohui Wang. Self-assembly and paclitaxel loading capacity of α-tocopherol succinate-conjugated hydroxyethyl cellulose nanomicelle. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 294(1): 135-143

2.       Yi Jia Sun, Hai Ming Li, Jing Hui Zhou, Guang Wei Sun, and Zhang Hong Xie. Reed soda pulping modified by green liquor pretreatment. Advanced Materials Research, 2013: 2628-2631

3.       Zhang Hong Xie, Jing Hui Zhou, Hai Ming Li, and Guang Wei Sun. Comparison between green liquor pretreatment-Kraft pulping and conventional Kraft pulping. Advances in chemical engineering III Part 4, 2013: 2650-2653

4.       Jing Wang, Jinghui Zhou, Haiming Li, and Xuefeng Ding. Study on reaction course and pulp properties of novel aspen acid-catalyzed ethanol pulping. Proceeding of the 4th international conference on pulping, papermaking and biotechnology. 2012.

5.       Bin Li, Haiming Li, Quanqing Zha, Rohan Bandekar, Ahmed Alsaggaf, and Yonghao Ni.  Review: Effects of wood quality and refining process on TMP pulp and paper quality. Bioresources, 2011, 6(3): 3569-3584

6.       Jinghui Zhou, Hai Zhang, Haiming Li, and Jie An. Analysis of organic acids in the waste-liquor of aspen auto-catalyzed ethanol-water pulping. Proceeding 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy and Environment, 2011.

7.       Abrar Saeed, Haiming Li, M. Sarwar Jahan, Yonghao Ni and Adriann van Heiningen. Sugar analysis of the pre-hydrolysis liquor from the pre-hydrolysis Kraft-based dissolving pulp production process. Annual Meeting of the Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC), 96th Annual Meeting Preprints AM2010_3FEB_AM, p156-160, 2010, Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada

8.       SAEED, A., JAHAN, S., LI, H. LIU, Z., NI, Y. and VAN HEININGEN, A.R.P.,  “Mass Balances of Hemicelluloses and Other Components in the Pre-Hydrolysis Kraft-Based Dissolving Pulp Production Process”, 2009 International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York, October (2009)

9.       SAEED, A., JAHAN, S., LI, H. LIU, Z., NI, Y. and VAN HEININGEN, A.R.P.,  “Mass Balances of Hemicelluloses and Other Components in the Pre-Hydrolysis Kraft-Based Dissolving Pulp Production Process”, Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy, 2012.

10.   Hu Zhijun, Li Youming, Chen Yuancai, Lei Lirong, Li Haiming et al. Research on Eucalyptus CTMP wastewater treatment with dynamic composite electrolysis method. He Beihai, Fu Shiyu, Chen Fangeng. Research progress in pulping and papermaking: 3rd ISETPP. Guangzhou,China: South China University Technology Press, 2006,10: 757~761

11.   Xu XiaofengHe Beihai, Li Junrong, Lin Lu, Chen Yuancai, Li Haiming et al. Bio-discoloring of effluent from eucalyptus CTMP with white-rot fungus. Transactions of China Pulp and Paper, 2007, 22(3): 57-59 (EI)

12.   Hu Zhijun, Li Youming, Chen Yuancai, Lei Lirong, Li Haiming. Application of dynamic compound electrolysis process in CTMP effluent treatment. Transactions of China Pulp and Paper, 2007, 22(1): 39-41 (EI)

13.   Hu Zhijun, Li Youming, Chen Yuancai, Li Haiming et al. Contamination characteristics and decolorization methods of chemi-thermomechanical pulping effluent. China Pulp and Paper, 2006, 25(11): 13-16 (EI)

14.   Hu Zhijun, Li Youming, Chen Yuancai, Lei Lirong, Li Haiming et al. Process of electro-catalytic oxidation coagulation compound bed cell applied to the CTMP effluent treatment. Pulp and Papermaking, 2006, 25(4): 41~43

15.   Zhang Canbin, He Beihai, Li Haiming et al. Study on the ultrafiltration of CTMP effluents. China Pulp & Paper, 2006, 25(3): 4(EI)

16.   Hu Zhijun, Li Youming, Chen Yuancai, Lei Lirong, Li Haiming et al. Treatment of Eucalyptus GIMP wastewater by using electro-coagulation method. Transactions of China Pulp and Paper, 2006, 21(3): 38-40 (EI)

17.   Zhang Canbin, He Beihai, Li Haiming et al. The characteristics of AS-CMP sulphonated effluent of eucalyptus and its pollution load. China Pulp & Paper Industry, 20059):5962

18.   Hu Huiren, Li Haiming and Zhangpen. Preliminary study on deinked pulp bleaching. China Pulp & Paper, 2005, 24(3): 5(EI)



1.       Chen Yuancai, He Beihai, Li Youming, Li Lu, Hu Zhijun, Li Haiming and Lei Lirong. Composite electrolysis chest and the method on the composite electrolysis decoloration of the effluent from chemi-mechanical pulping: China, 200710026285.6 [P]. 2007-07-05
