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Resume of Bao Xiaona

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-08

Resume of Bao Xiaona

Bao Xiaona.jpg


PhD, Associate Professor,

Supervisor of Master's Candidates, 

School of Management

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Oct.17, 1980

Political Status: Member of Chinese Communist Party

Tel:  +86-411-86324986




Sep., 2007-Dec., 2016  Ph.D in Business Management, Dalian University of Technology

Sep., 2003-Dec., 2005  Master Degree in Administration Management, Dalian University of Technology

Sep., 1998-Jun., 2002   Bachelor Degree in Business Management, Dalian University of Technology

Academic Positions

2014-present  Associate Professor, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

2008-2014     Lecturer, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

2006-2008     Assistant, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

Research Interests

n  Organizational Behavior

n  Human Resource Management

n  Organizational Performance

Teaching Experience

n  Advanced Human Resource Management (Postgraduate Students)

n  Public Management in Rural Area (Postgraduate Students)

n  Labor Economics (Undergraduate Students)

n  Organizational Behavior (Undergraduate Students)

n  Training and Development (Undergraduate Students)

Students Information

n  At School (3)

Research Grants

Nine grants in provincial, city and school levels, and main grants in progress are as follows:

n   Social Science Foundation of Liaoning Province for “Research on the influencing factors and implementation path of collaborative innovation of advanced equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning” (L16AJY002)

n   Ministry of Education, Liaoning Province for “Research on mechanism and path of improving innovation ability of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning province oriented to intelligent manufacturing”

n   Institute of Higher Education, Liaoning Province for “Research on the status quo and promotion strategy of professional development of young teachers in Colleges and universities in Liaoning” (GHYB160013)

n   Ministry of Education, Liaoning Province for “Research on the status and realization path of introducing overseas intelligence and high end talents in our province - basing on the understanding of intellectual backflow” (JG17ZXDWB002)

Journal Publications

Publish 17 papers in academic journals and academic conferences. 8 of them are the first author, 2 papers are indexed by CSSCI, and 4 papers of them are included in core journals. Publish 6 textbooks.
