首页 - 留学工大 - 导师信息 - Master Supervisor - School of Textile and Material Engineering - Liu Guishan

Resume of Liu Guishan

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-11

Personal Introduction:

Guishan Liu, which was born in January 1970, is the director of inorganic non-metal materials engineering, associate professor, master tutor in textile and materials engineering, Dalian polytechnic university, the deputy director of the provincial experimental demonstration center of inorganic non-metallic materials, a member of Liaoning demonstration major and provincial teaching team. He was graduated from chemical silicate engineering department with a bachelor's degree in Dalian polytechnic university in 1993 and was graduated from Jingdezhen ceramics institute in 1998,majoring in silicate material, with a master's degree in engineering. Now, he is the key member of the "new materials and material modification's key laboratory in Liaoning province" and "solar energy technology innovation and public testing platform in Dalian", a main member of the scientific research innovation team in school's "new energy materials and industrial ceramics".

Research field directions:

He is mainly engaged in the preparation of high performance ceramic materials, photoelectric materials and photo-thermal materials and its structure and performance' research. The details are as follows:

1The research and development of photovoltaic materials of CIGS films

2The research and development of voltage adjustable BaSrTiO3BSTbase series dielectric-ceramics and capacitors.

3The  research of photo-endothermic materials and their films and coatings. At the same time, he takes charge of a A category of the provincial education department, a project of municipal commission of construction in Dalian, a national 863 program and a project of national natural science fund.

4The research of heat recovery and utilization in materials' processing.


1.Multistep Controllability Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of ZnO Nanopagoda for Schottky Diode Device  NANO 2016,11(2):1650024(1-7)SCI

2.Effect of Cd2+ concentration on the Structure and Properties of CBD-CdS, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 815 (2013) pp179-182EI(CA)

3Effect of Substrate Temperature on One-Step Magnetron-Sputtered Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films for Solar CellsApplied Mechanics and Materialsvol 291-294 (2013) pp 703-707EICA

4.Preparation and Properties of ZnO/ZAO Double-Layers Thin Films on the Substrate of GlassKey Engineering MaterialsVol. 537 (2013) pp 150-154EI(CA)

6.The Effects of Sputtering Pressure on the Properties of Carbon Counter Electrodes for Dye-sensitized Solar CellsAdvanced Materials ResearchVols. 430-432 (2012) pp 631-635 EI(CA)

7.Preparation and Dielectric Properties of Dy-B-Si-O Glass- doped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 CeramicsAdvanced Materials ResearchVols. 418-420 (2012)  pp323-327EI(CA)
