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Notice about Online-learning Assessment of 2021 Spring Semester

来源: 添加时间: 2021-07-13

Dear International Undergraduates,


Influenced by the global pandemic, the online-learning assessment for undergraduates in 2021 Spring semester will be based on your performance during the whole “Teaching & Learning Process” or be conducted by non-paper evaluation. Detailed information will be released in the corresponding We-chat Group of the course. Please follow the instructions to fulfill all tasks and assignments carefully and submit them on time, so as to get your credits.


You can check your final scores online after July 30, 2021 with the link http://lxsglxt.dlpu.edu.cn/ . User name is your email address or your passport number, and initial password is 123456.


In addition, make-up evaluations and restudying will be organized online through we-chat group from August 23 to September 3, 2021. Please follow the teachers instructions to do self-studying, and submit assignments on time.


Please contact School of International Education in advance if there is any question.



School of International Education

July 12, 2021
