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DPU International Student Penalty Provisions(Revised)

来源: 添加时间: 2020-12-24

   In order to strengthen the construction of university spirits and discipline, to maintain good education order and to create an optimal living and learning environment, the following provisions are formulated in accordance with  the “Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education”, “Regulations on the Administration of International Student Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education” both promulgated by Ministry of Education and other related regulations.

I. The provisions are applicable to all international students at Dalian Polytechnic University (DPU).

II. In dealing with student violation, penalty decision is made based on the principles of proper procedures, sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate determination, and appropriate punishment.

III. There are 5 types of disciplinary sanctions:

1. Warning;

2. Serious warning;

3. Demerit on record;

4. Probation;

5. Expulsion.

IV. In any of the following circumstances, a lighter or mitigated punishment may be imposed :

1. Those who voluntarily admit the violation of discipline, have profound understanding and show great repentance after violating discipline;

2. Those who can voluntarily expose other people's violations of discipline, which are verified by investigation.

V.  In case of any of the following circumstances, an increased or more serious punishment may be imposed on:

1. Those who refuse to admit their mistakes, or provide false evidence to hinder the investigation and handling, after the violation; Those who entangle unreasonably with the excuse of representation or have a bad attitude, after being punished;

2. Those who threaten or retaliating against the informant, witness or administrative faculty;

3. Those who have been punished because of the violation of disciplines in our school.

VI. Those who violate Chinese laws and constitute a criminal offence shall be expelled from school. Those who violate the regulations of public security administration and are subject to punishment of detention or above shall be expelled from school. Those who violate the regulations of public security administration shall be punished with demerit recording or probation in school according to the seriousness of the case.

VII. Those who organize and incite disturbances, undermine stability and unity, or disturb social order shall be expelled from school; those who organize and establish illegal organizations or plan and organize large-scale assemblies, processions, demonstrations and other activities without the approval of relevant authorities shall be expelled from school. Those who participate in illegal organization, assembly, demonstration and other activities shall be given criticism, education or warning according to the seriousness of the case.

VIII. Those who violate the regulations on university administration, affect the order of education and teaching, the order of life and the management of public places, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals and organizations, but have not yet constituted a crime, shall be given the following sanctions according to the circumstances and consequences:

1. Those who violate the regulations of the school, affect the order of education and teaching, the order of life and the management of public places, and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals and organizations, shall be given a warning, serious warning or demerit recording. If the circumstances and consequences are serious, they shall be given probation penalty or expelled from school;

2. Those who obstruct the government officials and univerity administrators from performing their official duties according to law or in accordance with the school rules and regulations shall be given a warning or even probation for observation according to the seriousness of the circumstances and consequences;

3. Those who intentionally destroy public facilities, damage the property of university or others, use electricity, fire and other dangerous facilities in violation of regulations shall be given serious warning or demerit recording in addition to compensation for economic losses;

4. Those who have sexual harassment and other rogue behaviors, drink and make trouble, gamble or provide gambling conditions shall be given serious warning or demerit recording;

5. Those who spread or copy illegal books, periodicals or audio-visual products, participate in illegal pyramid selling or conduct religious activities in the university shall be given serious warning or demerit recording;

6. Those who insult, slander, falsely accuse, frame up or threaten others and infringe upon the freedom of communication of others shall be given warning, serious warning or demerit recording.

IX. In violation of “Dalian Polytechnic University Management Regulations of International Student Apartments”, the following sanctions shall be imposed :

1. Those who keep outsiders stay in dorm overnight will be given a warning or a serious warning according to the seriousness of the case;

2. International students are not allowed to smoke, use open fire, burn articles in their apartment buildings, or cook food in their rooms. Those who do not change and violate the regulations after education shall be given a warning or above. In case of fire caused by violation, in addition to compensation for losses, serious warning or above shall be given according to the seriousness of the case;

3. Those who violate the electricity management regulations and use illegal electrical appliances will be given a warning or above according to the seriousness of the case;

4. Those who affect others’ study, life and rest by making noise, playing musical instruments, playing music or holding parties in the apartment shall be criticized and educated. Those who do not listen to dissuasion shall be given warning or above according to the seriousness of the case. Those who fail to correct their misbehavior after repeated education shall be expelled from dormitory;

5. Those who violate the regulations of apartment management shall be given a warning or above according to the seriousness of the case.

X. Those who have improper behavior or serious violation of social morality in interpersonal communication, according to the seriousness of the case, will be given demerit recording or probation for observation.

XI. Those who steal or swindle state, collective or personal property but does not constitute a crime shall be given demerit recording or probation for observation according to the seriousness of the case.

XII. Those who violate the relevant provisions of China on the use of computer networks and have not yet constituted a crime shall be given the following sanctions according to the circumstances and the degree of harm:

1. Those who log on illegal websites and write or disseminate harmful information such as distorting facts, insulting and slandering others' personality, obscenity and violence on the network, causing adverse effects, shall be given demerit recording or probation for observation;

2. Those who intentionally make and spread computer viruses and other destructive programs to disrupt the normal operation of the computer system shall be given a serious warning or demerit recording;

3. Those who embezzle other people's IP address and user account through the network and endanger the network security will be given warning or serious warning.

XIII. Those who organize, plan or participate in a fight or brawl that does not constitute a crime shall, in addition to bearing the corresponding economic compensation (including the medical expenses, nursing expenses and necessary nutrition expenses of the victim), be given the following punishments respectively:

1. The planners and troublemakers of fights and brawls shall be punished with demerit recording. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given punishment of probation for observation;

2. Those who participate in fighting or brawling shall be given warning or serious warning according to the seriousness of the case;

3. Those who intentionally provide equipment for others to fight shall be given demerit recording punishment.

XIV. Those who privately hide or carry knives controlled by the Chinese public security department shall be given a serious warning; those who cause consequences shall be punished with demerit recording or above according to the seriousness of the case.

XV. Those who involve in drug taking will be given a probation for observation or expelled according to the seriousness of the case.

XVI. Motorcycles are not allowed on campus. Those who violate the rules will be given a warning or above according to the seriousness of the case.

XVII. Those who violate the examination regulations shall be given penalty, referring to the “Regulations for Examination of International Students from Dalian Polytechnic University”.

XVIII. Those who plagiarize other people's research achievements shall be punished with demerit recording or probation for observation. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from university.

XIX. Those who practice fraud, forge certificates, cheat organizations or deceive others, but have not yet constituted a crime, shall be given a serious warning or demerit recording according to the seriousness of the case.

XX. If a student who has been punished during the study period is punished again, the punishment level will be accumulated. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from school.

XXI. Those who are punished will be disqualified from the scholarship and various honorary titles within one year.

XXII. In most cases, the period of probation lasts one year. For international students who have been given a probation penalty, the School of International Education shall conduct regular inspections to help them in time. Within one month after the expiration of the probation period, students shall submit the application of ending probation. Administration of school which the applicant studies at and School of International Education shall make the decision on the application according to the performance, and then the decision will be submitted to relevant school for approval. Those who violate the discipline and regulation again during the probation period will be expelled from school.

XXIII. If an international student graduates during probation period, the student will be given a certificate of completion. Upon the expiration of probation period, the university may issue a new diploma if the applicant proves that his / her performance is good and meets the requirements for graduation.

XXIV. Those who have been given an expulsion penalty will be issued with study certificates by the University, and shall complete the procedures of leaving university and leave China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the University, within 15 days after receiving the penalty decision.

XXV. Those whose violation behavior is not listed in these provisions shall be given penalty according to the most similar provisions.

XXVI. All penalty materials of international students will be truly and completely put into student personal file by administration of School of International Education.

XXVII. Management of implementation of penalty provisions

1. For warning and serious warning penalty, the school that the punished international student belongs to shall put forward a penalty suggestion according to these provisions, and the penalty suggestion shall be examined and approved by the relevant departments of the University;

2. For demerit recording and probation penalty, the school that the punished international student belongs to shall put forward a penalty suggestion according to these provisions, and the penalty suggestion shall be examined by the relevant departments of the University and approved by the President in charge;

3. For expulsion penalty, the school that the punished international student belongs to shall put forward a penalty suggestion according to these provisions, and the penalty suggestion shall be examined by the relevant departments of the University and reported to Presidents’ office meeting or special meeting authorized by President for determination and approval;

4. Before making a decision on the penalty , the schools that put forward the penalty suggestion shall inform the international students  of the facts, reasons and basis for the punishment in writing, and listen to the representation and defense of the students or their agents. The representation and defense of the students or their agents can be in written form or oral form. It it is in a oral form,  the content of oral expression of international students or their agents should be carefully recorded in writing. At the end of the representation and defense, the students or their agents who make oral statements should sign on the record. If they refuse to sign, a written explanation should be added by the person who records;

5. When a penalty is given, the relevant departments or schools shall provide student violation facts and evidence, and schools that the students belong to shall fill in “Dalian Polytechnic University International Student Penalty Form”(in duplicate). The above materials with written statement, representation, and defense record made by punished students or their agents shall be submitted to university administration;

6. Under special circumstances, the relevant departments or schools have the right to directly put forward punishment decisions or suggestions to international students who violate the provisions.

XXVIII. These Provisions shall be interpreted by the International Office and Office Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, and the School of International Education.


International Office and Office Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, School of International Education

June 2020
