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来源: 添加时间: 2021-05-14


1. 学生在语音教室上课应服从任课教师管理,有序进出,固定座位,未经允许不擅自换座

2. 学生入座后,须自行检查其设备是否完好,不准私自乱动控制台及其它仪器设备。如发现机器出现故障等情况,应及时报告。

3. 任课教师须按语音教室安全使用的操作流程,在课堂及课间对学生进行严格管理,以确保语音设备正常使用

4. 学生严禁在座位、设备及墙面上乱涂乱划、人为损坏设备设施一经发现,将按其损坏、损污程度予以严肃批评教育或做赔偿处罚。

5. 留学生不得携带食物进入语音教室,下课后应清理废纸等杂物,保证语音教室地面、桌面的清洁

6. 语音室要注意防火防盗。课程结束,任课教师要务必在确保机器设备、电源及门窗安全关闭后方可离开语音教室。





Regulations on the Use and Management of language Labs for International Students

1. International students should follow the instructions of teachers. Please go in and out of the lab orderly, have your fixed seat, and dont change seat without permission.

2. International students should check their own equipment after taking seats. Please do not touch the console and other equipment privately. If the machine at your seat is found not to work well, please report it timely.

3. Teachers should guide the international students during class time and class intervals according to the operation procedures, so as to ensure all equipment perform well.  

4. International students are strictly prohibited from scribbling on the seats, equipment and walls, and artificially damaging equipment and facilities. The responsible student will be educated by criticism and compensations should be made.

5. International students are not allowed to take any food in the language labs. Please clean up the waste paper and other sundries after class to keep the floor and table of the language labs are clean.

6. Fire and theft prevention measures should be taken. Teachers must ensure that the machines and power are switched off, and the doors and windows are closed before leaving the classroom.


School of International Education, DPU
