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Resume of Wang Zhisheng

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07

Resume of Wang Zhisheng

Wang Zhisheng.jpg

Wang Zhisheng, male, was born in June 1981.Senior Engineer, Master'stutor. Graduated from the Art and Design Major of Dalian Polytechnic University, Master’s degree, In July 2014.

With more than ten years of research experience in the Design Institute and Working experience of planning and design in lighting engineering enterprise.

Since 2015, he was appointed as a teacher in the optoelectronic teaching and Research Office ofInformation Science and Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University.


1. Main academic research direction: Lighting engineering design, City landscape lighting, and Safety lighting evaluation.

2. Recruit the primary discipline of the master's degree: Optical engineering.

3. Main course at present: Cognitive basis of form, Product performance technique, modeling design of lighting products, Lighting engineering design, Lighting and modern life.

4.Undertake scientific research projects: Preside and participate a number of Longitudinal and horizontal scientific research projects of countries, provinces, cities.

Longitudinal subject

Science and technology demonstration project of State Ministry of housing construction: Dalian Barracuda Bay business district lighting demonstration project.

Cooperation topic of Association of Social Sciences Liaoning Province: Research on the design of functional modules in the construction of material culture in Liaoning.

Fund subject of Association of Social Sciences Liaoning Province: A regional study on the landscape construction of Liaoning Binhai Avenue.

Subject of Association of Social Sciences of Dalian Polytechnic University: Cultural Research on lighting design in Construction of material culture in school.

Horizontal subject

Development of landscape lighting optimization model system for public green space.

Research and development of urban safety lighting optimization model system based on CPTED strategy.

Project design of road lighting renovation project of red flag Street Liujia village Dalian.

Design of landscape lighting project of Zhongtie Nuode Binhai garden second district (D area).

5. Publication of papers: More than 10 papers published in the national level core journals.


Telephone number: 0411-86323261

