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Resume of Fan Xiaonan

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-08

Resume of Fan Xiaonan

Fan Xiaonan.jpg


PhD, Associate Professor,

Supervisor of Master's Candidates, 

School of Management

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Mar.8, 1981

Political Status: Member of Chinese Communist Party

Tel:  +86-411-86323451

Emailcatfxn@126.com / fanxn@dlpu.edu.cn



Sep., 2008-Dec., 2012  Ph.D in History of Economic Thought, DongBei University of Finance and Economics

Sep., 2003-Jun., 2006  Master Degree in International Trade, Jilin University

Sep., 1999-Jun., 2003  Bachelor Degree in Business Management, Dalian Institute of Light Industry

Academic Positions

2013-present  Associate Professor, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

2008-2013     Lecturer, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

2006-2008     Assistant, School of Management, Dalian Polytechnic University

Research Interests

n  Industrial Economics and Management

n  Transitional Economics

Teaching Experience

n  Advanced Econometrics (Postgraduate Students)

n  Industrial Organization (Postgraduate Students)

n  Econometrics (Undergraduate Students)

n  Economics (Undergraduate Students)

n  Industrial Economics (Undergraduate Students)

Students Information

n  At School (7)

Research Grants

Fourteen grants in national, provincial, city and school levels, and main grants in progress are as follows:

n   National Natural Science Foundation of China for “Technological Innovation and Productivity Growth in the Real Economy: Investigating the Impacts of Financialization” (71703012)

n   Ministry of Technology, Liaoning Province for “Design and implementation of manufacturing database basing on requirements for technological innovation” (21070520264)

n   Association of Social Sciences, Liaoning Province for “Study on the dilemma of real economy transformation and the path of innovation in Liaoning” (2018lslktyb-012)

n   Institute of Higher Education, Liaoning Province for “Research on the teaching model of entrepreneurial talent basing on Collaborative Innovation” (GHYB160102)

Journal Publications

Publish 26 papers in academic journals and academic conferences. 19 of them are the first author, 2 papers are indexed by CSSCI, 3 papers are indexed by EI and 6 papers of them are included in core journals. Publish 1 book and 5 textbooks.
