第一条 凡在我校注册学习,并愿意遵守各项规章制度的来华留学生,学校均可提供住宿。
第二条 留学生必须按指定的房间住宿,未经许可不得私自调换房间,违者将给予批评教育或处以相应罚款。
第三条 公寓房间内严禁各种形式的赌博活动,严禁吸毒贩毒及各种违法活动,一经发现将严肃处理。
第四条 保持公寓房间内安静,任何人不得以任何理由影响他人学习和休息。
第五条 保持公共卫生,房间内严禁养宠物,并做好防火及用电安全工作。
第六条 公寓房间内不准播放黄色,淫秽录像。不准在公共场所私自放映电影、电视录像,张贴图片及宣传品。
第七条 公寓房间内设备和家具不准自行调换,不准私自搬出室外。
第八条 留学生公寓内不得私自留宿中、外客人,确有需要者,经许可后,方可留宿,并到办理临时住宿登记手续。
第九条 严格遵守作息时间,外出者晚上一律在 22:30前返回公寓。
第十条 公寓内配有家用电器(电视、冰箱、空调等)、家具、床上用品,由学生本人学习期间保管使用,如有丢失、损坏照价赔偿。
第十一条 请看护好自己的财物,离开房间时要将门、窗关闭。
1、 学生公寓出现需要维修的情况后,应立即向值班室报修,并由值班人员通知物业及时维修。
2、 提倡学生文明行为,爱护宿舍公共财物。对故意损坏公物的,将按照以下 “宿舍公物价目表”有关规定予以赔偿。
序号 | 设备名称 | 赔偿金额(元) | 序号 | 设备名称 | 赔偿金额(元) |
1 | 彩色电视 | 2500 | 14 | 电视柜 | 300 |
2 | 空调 | 2100 | 15 | 单人床垫 | 700 |
3 | 冰箱 | 1400 | 16 | 被褥 | 300 |
4 | 微波炉 | 700 | 17 | 交换机 | 100 |
5 | 电磁炉 | 300 | 18 | 遥控器 | 150 |
6 | 电水壶 | 110 | 19 | 网线 | 20 |
7 | 热水器 | 1300 | 20 | 插座 | 30 |
8 | 单人床 | 1300 | 21 | 淋雨喷头 | 50 |
9 | 双门衣柜 | 1300 | 22 | 喷头软管 | 50 |
11 | 书架 | 500 | 23 | 玻璃拉门 | 500 |
12 | 椅子 | 200 | 24 | 马桶盖 | 180 |
13 | 书桌 | 500 | 25 | 镜子 | 200 |
国际交流与合作处办公室电话 | 86324515 86324513 |
校内紧急求助电话 | 86322110 |
匪警 | 110 |
火警 | 119 |
医疗急救 | 120 |
交通事故 | 122 |
维修电话 | 86323847 |
Rules and Regulations for the International Student Apartment
Rules and Regulations for Order
1. International students who register are eligible for accommodation.
2. International students are not allowed to exchange room without permission.
3. Gambling, drugs, and other illegal activities are not allowed.
4. Be quiet and do not disturb other students.
5. Keep rooms tidy and clean. Pets are not allowed. Prevent fire.
6. Porns and erotic pictures are not allowed.
7. International students are not allowed to trade appliances and furniture in the room and move out without permission.
8. International students are not allowed to let others stay in the room for the night. If it is necessary, application and check-in procedures are needed.
9. Observe the timetable of the apartment. International students are required to return before 22:30.
10. Electrical appliances (TV, refrigerator, air-conditioner etc.), furniture, bedding are offered. Any damage needs to be compensated.
11. Keep your possessions well. Close the door and windows while leaving the room.
Rules and Regulations for Cleanliness
1. Janitor is in charge of the cleaning of public areas.
2. If the cleaning service is needed, hang the “Cleaning is needed”sign on the door before 10:00 a.m..
3. Littering is not allowed. Dispose trash into the trash can. Making fire is not allowed.
Rules and Regulations for Maintenance
1. If the maintenance service is needed, international students are required to notify the relevant teacher of the Office.
2. International students are required to keep the facilities in good condition. Any damage is needed to be compensated according to the following Compensation Charge Table.
NO. | Facility | Payment (CNY) | NO. | Facility | Payment(CNY) |
1 | Plasma TV | 2500 | 14 | TV cabinet | 300 |
2 | Air-conditioner | 2100 | 15 | mattress | 700 |
3 | refrigerator | 1400 | 16 | Bedding | 300 |
4 | Microwave oven | 700 | 17 | Router | 100 |
5 | Induction cooker | 300 | 18 | Remote control | 150 |
6 | Electric kettle | 110 | 19 | Network cable | 20 |
7 | Water heater | 1300 | 20 | Socket | 30 |
8 | Single bed | 1300 | 21 | Shower head | 50 |
9 | Closet | 1300 | 22 | Shower head tube | 50 |
11 | Bookcase | 500 | 23 | Sliding glass door | 500 |
12 | Chair | 200 | 24 | Toilet seat cover | 180 |
13 | Desk | 500 | 25 | 200 |
Rules and Regulations for Electricity
Every international students is eligible for 100 kilowatt hour electricity for free each month. Electricity consumed beyond 100 kilowatt hour is charged, RMB1 for 1 kilowatt hour.
For purchasing extra electricity, international students are required to apply to the faculty on duty. At least 10 kilowatt hour are required for each purchase.
Phone number
International Office | 86324515 86324513 |
Emergency | 86322110 |
Police | 110 |
Fire | 119 |
Medical Emergency | 120 |
Traffic accident | 122 |
Repair | 86323847 |
School of International Education
Dalian Polytechnic University